
How Important is Your Data?

For nearly 50 years, GDP Space Systems has been producing best-in-class products and solutions for signal acquisition, demodulation and data recovery within demanding environments. From world-class Telemetry Receivers and Demodulators to today’s latest generation of Encapsulated Bit Synchronizers and Correlating Best Source Selectors (BSS), GDP is focused on providing our customers with the premier signal acquisition technology to protect and ensure successful acquisition of your most critical data. When you need the BEST, GDP delivers.

GDP Space Systems specializes in advancing signal acquisition technology. All of our products currently include:

  • IRIG106 acquisition including Chapter 7 PCM decoding for file and packet transmission
  • True Adaptive Equalization (all modulations) to eliminate Multipath effects
  • Advanced diversity combining solution “in our receivers” utilizing AGC, Signal Quality and Automatic modes for superior multipath mitigation
  • Frame Synchronization and Bit Error Rate Testing (BERT) for each channel with Metric outputs
  • Data Quality Encapsulation/Metrics (DQE/DQM) for Best Source Selection – providing the best signals via signal metrics, not just highest signal to noise (S/N) ratio
  • Trellis Demodulation – for improved transmission efficiency (BER/Synchronization)
  • Space Time Coding (STC) to remove self-interference nulls due to multiple vehicle antenna, with simultaneous LOS transmission to the Ground system
  • Forward Error Correction with Low Density Parity Check Coding (LDPC), Reed Solomon, and Viterbi decoding
  • BSS Diversity Combining of multiple encryption or non-encrypted signals to remove the effects of multipath while selecting the best signal metrics

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